Manual therapy

Manual therapy is a specialization within physiotherapy. This therapy goes one step further than physiotherapy in complaint analysis and treatment. A manual therapist regards the body as a whole and sees correlation between different parts and systems of the locomotor apparatus.
Manual therapy is an efficient and suitable therapy for people of all ages.

Persons who engage in intensive sports can also come to a manual therapist for advice on movement to prevent sports injuries or for efficient treatment of their sport injury.
It is of importance for many sport injuries and overburdening injuries to support the sportsperson well in his exercise therapy program. A manual therapist is highly suitably for this.

How does it work?
Each manual therapeutic treatment is preceded by a screening and interview with a subsequent elaborate physical examination. This way, the therapist can assess if a certain body part functions normally and behaves as it should. Through various tests (joint tests, muscle tests, neurologic tests, coordination tests, etc.) the therapist can track down the place, degree, severity and cause of the complaints.
Treatment is focussed on resuming your normal activities and your general health in the first place. The better functioning of the joints as well as optimizing posture and movements are observed here.

Special competency
A manual therapist is a physiotherapist who has acquired the Special Professional Qualifications in manual therapy through an additional study (Advanced Master). The therapist is highly skilled and experienced in executing and interpreting clinical examinations, putting together a targeted treatment and executing treatment techniques.



