
What can you contact me for?

NECK AND HEAD: stiff neck, torticollis, trapezius myalgia, headaches, various forms of migraine, whiplash-related complaints, dizziness and problems related to balance, BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo),…

JAW: temporomandibular joint, chewing and biting problems,…

BACK: pains between the shoulder blades, lower back pain by overuse, arthritis, lumbago, hernia, sciatic nerve pains or any other forms of nervous pains that radiate down the lower back and legs,…

SHOULDER: pain and/or limited mobility from inflamed tendons, bursitis and/or dysfunctional shoulder capsule adhesion, due to dislocation, torn ligaments, fractures or operations,…

ARM: pain and/or limited mobility as a result of overstretching, overuse and pinched nerves, nerve pain from a herniated disc,…

ELBOW: tennis elbow, golf elbow, locked joints,…

WRIST AND HAND: locked wrist bones, tendinitis, carpal tunnel, trapped nerves, arthritis of the fingers and thumb,…

CHEST: pain in the breastbone from irritated cartilage, joint-related problems between the collarbone (clavicle), breastbone (sternum) and ribs,…

PELVIS, SACRUM AND TAILBONE (COCCYX): post-natal muscular pain between the sacrum and the pelvis, dysfunctional pelvis resulting from trauma’s (falling on the coccyx, incorrectly lifting…),…

HIP: pain and/or limited mobility due to inflammation of the muscles, tendons, bursae and hip capsule, resulting from trauma’s, i.e. strain and/or overuse, pain radiating from the lower back,…

GROIN: (inguinal hernia), pains in the groin radiating from the lower back and hips due to inflamed local muscle and tendons, or groin strain (due to excessive pressure on groin muscles),…

THIGH AND CALF: muscular problems and tendinitis,…

KNEE: pains and locked knee joints, tendinitis, pain and/or limited mobility due to dysfunctional kneecap or knee ligaments following an injury/operation,…

LOWER LEG (SHIN): tendinitis and shin splints (inflammation), trapped nerves,…

ANKLE AND FOOT: sprains and strains of the ligaments, inflamed and locked joints, painful conditions of the heel and sole (heel spur and plantar fasciitis),…
